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Screening 'District 15' + 'Reclamation: The Rise at Standing Rock'

Anjali Nayar and Senain Kheshgi/2020/23 min/Energy, Social Justice, Health

FILM DESCRIPTION: Sadly, the majority of Los Angeles industrial oil drilling activity takes place in communities of color and low-income communities. “District 15” highlights the hope and tenacity of the young activists of Wilmington, California, as they push the L.A. City Council to prohibit new and existing oil and gas drilling operations within 2,500 feet of homes, schools and hospitals. Communities for a Better Environment is behind this effort. The group does critical work on environmental justice and empowers Californian communities to stand up to polluting industries and build a green energy future.

Michele Noble/2018/23 min/Energy, Water, Social Justice, Health, People & Cultures

FILM DESCRIPTION: In 2016, Indigenous youth unite the Native Nations and rise up in spiritual solidarity against the Dakota Access Pipeline. These young Native Leaders honor their destiny by leading a peaceful movement of resistance which awakens the world.

Tickets available to U.S. viewers only.


Both films will be preceded by the 3-minute film "Fighting for Environmental Justice: The Health Crisis at the U.S.-Mexico Border" by Ilan Jinich, winner of the Sally Stovall Award for Activism in the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest.

Please stay for a post-film discussion with:

Facilitator Kyra Woods, Clean Energy Organizer + Ready for 100 Chicago Coordinator, Sierra Club


  • Anjali Nayar, Director, District 15

  • Michele Noble, Director, Reclamation: The Rise at Standing Rock

  • Angela Tovar, Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Chicago

  • Naomi Davis, Founder and President, Blacks in Green