renewable energy resources
The Eder O’Connor Family at home.
Electrifying Your Home
Learn how Oak Park residents, the Eder-O’Conner family, are going all-electric using local, state and federal funding and best practices: weatherizing, solar panels, heat pumps and other electric appliances.
Community Solar
These community solar programs fill up fast, so put yourself on a waiting list and expect to wait 6-12 months.
Information from Citizens Utility Board.
State of Illinois’ list, Illinois Shines.
From the Village of Oak Park (for Oak Park residents)
If adding solar panels to your home is too difficult. consider Community Solar as an option. Here, Wendy Greenhouse tells about her personal experience. It’s a win-win situation because anyone can save money while also helping the environment.
Save with Solar for All
Do you receive SNAP or other federal assistance? You likely qualify for Solar For All, which offers deeply discounted (up to 50% off) clean energy to income-qualified households, whether you rent or own. Save money and the planet!
Solstice offers community solar to our area. Get a $100 enrollment bonus when you use the code "C4". Visit
Other Electrification Resources
Join Oak Park Climate Action Network: email
List of Heat Pump & Solar installers working in Greater West Side
Citizens Utility Board
Building Energy Codes Program
Department of Energy website with resources and information around building energy codes. By 2035, 75% of the buildings in the U. S. will be new or renovated per Architecture 2030. As a building’s operation and environmental impact is largely determined by upfront decisions, energy codes present a unique opportunity to assure savings through efficient building design, technologies, and construction practices. Once a building is constructed, it can be significantly more expensive to achieve higher efficiency levels. Including energy as a fundamental part of the building construction process and making early investments in energy efficiency yields benefits for all owners and occupants for years into the future. Click here to visit.
Energy Conservation Information Online
Residents can calculate energy consumption with a personalized energy calculator at, a website sponsored by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), in partnership with the City of Chicago, City of Rockford, ComEd, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Illinois Science & Technology Coalition, Nicor Gas, North Shore Gas, Peoples Gas and The Northern Illinois Energy Project. The website also offers tips on lowering energy bills, finding rebates for energy conservation efforts and locating contractors to replace broken or inefficient appliances and equipment. For more information, e-mail
Energy Savers
Comprehensive website of resources around energy use, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
The mission of the Energy Department is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions. Click here to visit.
10 Steps to Going Solar by J. Alan Prechel
The Crystal and Alan Prechel Family have 29 solar panels, 4 chickens, and 2 electric cars, in addition to 3 adorable children.
The Prechel home was one of six on view in Oak Park for the 2016 Illinois Solar Tour. Alan Prechel’s installation was unique on the tour because his was primarily a “do it yourself” project. If you are considering solar for your home or business, whether you plan to hire a contractor or not, you will be better prepared for the task after reading Alan’s account, his steps and decisions, his hints and cautions, and his successes and failures. Read more here.
Non-profit with a variety of tools and resources for local governments interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Click here to visit.
Elevate Energy
Invite Elevate Energy to a house party with neighbors or friends. They talk about energy efficiency improvements, and you receive a free energy audit of your home. Learn more at this link.
Other Useful Websites Promotes energy efficient products and practices for home and business. Promotes urban sustainability.
Home Energy Savings Program
The Home Energy Savings Program is a joint program of Nicor Gas and ComEd, targeted to serve single family customers. The program offers a comprehensive Home Energy Assessment that evaluates opportunities for energy efficiency upgrades and provides financial incentives for completing those upgrades, all at a cost of only $99 (this can typically cost up to $500*).
Benefits include:
Instant rebates of 70% up to $1,750 to complete recommended energy efficiency improvements such as insulation and air sealing.
A customized Home Energy Savings report detailing ways to save up to 20%† on your energy usage.
Free installation of up to 10 CFL’s, high efficiency faucet aerators and shower heads, and hot water pipe wrap.
Installation of a programmable thermostat, if desired,
at a discounted price of $22.62.
Saving energy is as easy as…
Schedule your Home Energy Savings assessment by calling toll-free 877.821.9988 .
Once your assessment is completed, review the Home Energy Savings report that provides you with customized energy efficiency improvements, estimated savings, a fixed price proposal for the qualifying energy efficiency improvements and eligible rebates.
After signing your proposal, a program participating contractor will be assigned to install your qualified energy efficiency improvements. The contractor will bill you only for your portion of the cost, collecting the rest from Nicor Gas and ComEd.
Limited time offer!
For details see the Home Energy Saver Web Site. Please note that the Home Energy Saver Program is being promoted through Energy Impact Illinois.
Illinois Clean Energy Foundation
Funding organization that provides grants for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Illinois.
Cook County Energy Efficiency Program
Free energy audits and funding and loans for energy efficiency projects through Cook County.
List of Certified Installers
List of contractors/electricians/energy experts for installing green/renewable energy resources: