Oak Parkers Join 35,000+ for “Forward on Climate” Rally in DC

Oak Park residents Jim Dickert, Kenneth O’Hare, and Mac Robinet participated in the February 17, 2013, rally and march in Washington, D.C. The event was organized by 350.org, the Sierra Club, and a number of other environmental groups, for the purpose of asking President Obama to deny the Keystone XL pipeline application of TransCanada Corporation. After twelve slow, blizzard-blinded hours on the road from Chicago, our Sierra Club-leased bus pulled up next to the Washington Monument. Fifty climate activists tumbled out into the bright, cold Sunday morning, in search of coffee. It was a diverse lot ideologically, united by the felt-sense that it is time to draw a line that says, “No!” to building more fossil fuel infrastructure.

Rally 17Feb13 Wash Monument2

A brisk walk back toward the Washington Monument, slipping through thickening crowds, brought us to the people united, never divided—35,000 or more strong, filling the entire space from the street on up to the monument itself, an emotional moment for everyone who has worked in relative isolation on the hard-to-organize, marginalized issue of climate change.  Kindred spirits in countless numbers all around were raising the alarm.

The speakers were articulate, but it was hard to stand still in the cold. To keep warm, two of us circumnavigated the crowd, sloshing through half-frozen mud during Bill McKIbben’s welcome, Van Jones’ sharp challenge to the President to get going on climate, and the eloquent speeches of indigenous women from Alberta, who conveyed the graphic horror of the destruction of their home by tar sands mining.

The marchers stepped off about 1:00 p.m.  We stayed near the front, following the yellow-jacketed marshals of the march, walking in good spirits with lots of seniRally 17Feb13 Obama Quoteors, bright-eyed students, young parents with kids and strollers in abundance, the Flag, and cleverly funny signs  across the whole range of climate and energy messages. Click for  more pix…       

Down Pennsylvania, past the bollards that permanently close the street in front of the White House to traffic, past the tall iron fence, then around the corner and away from the White House we walked. Everyone was exquisitely polite. “It’s the most mild-mannered march, I’ve ever been on,” said one older participant and veteran of other marches. Except for a buzzy helicopter, security was not much seen or heard, and spectators were very few. It was just us, now 50,000 or so in number, in ranks twelve-wide and rolling on for half a mile or more. Yes, it was very encouraging to see the people stand up in such great numbers for the climate! 

Then it was over and time for a beer or another cup of coffee. The cafes were solid with climate hawks—and no deniers today, thanks. For the next hour or more, a warm sense of solidarity reigned, along with a fleeting sense of satisfaction in a job well done for the day. 

Rally 17Feb13 Not Easy Being GreenBack on the bus, a haze of sleepwalking at deserted rest stops, and then abruptly we were back in Chicago, downtown at 7:00 a.m. with the early-to-work crowd.

All over the country, the media gave a good deal of attention to the march and more than 20 local ‘Forward on Climate’ rallies held on the same day around the U.S. The climate change issue is now squarely before the public. Political will is building for policies and programs that address the true scale of the crisis. When the next climate march is organized, it may be 200,000 strong. There is a sense of gathering strength and possibility.


-By Ken O’Hare


Note:  Jim, Ken and Mac are also involved in local groups focused on climate change and sustainability, including the Chicago Climate Lobby: West, Green Community Connections, and the Interfaith Green Network.

2nd One Earth Film Festival reaches nearly 2,000 viewers


In its second year, the One Earth Film Festival nearly quadrupled its inaugural year attendance numbers, filling venues with viewers who came from as far away as Aurora and Grayslake to screenings throughout Oak Park, River Forest, Forest Park and Chicago, IL. The three-day festival, held March 1-3, also debuted its Young Filmmakers Contest, which showcased the environmental concerns of area school students.

Opening Night


The festival kicked off with a Green Carpet Gala at Pleasant Home in Oak Park and a program that featured Lea Kichler, high school winner of the first Young Filmmakers Contest, and Gerould Wilhelm, a botanist and director of research at the Conservation Research Institute in Elmhurst.

Kichler’s film, “Let’s Talk About Water,” featured an off-camera interviewer asking kids (a few of them pictured at right) questions that tested their knowledge of water. The eight-minute film ended with a simple question: “What will you do to save water?”

As if designed to complement Kichler’s film, Wilhelm’s witty, thoughtful talk was peppered with deep insights about water and conservation. "Let us learn to treat water as a resource, not a waste product,” he said. “We must regard water as a blessing, not a bane."

Popular Films and Programming Pack the House

On Saturday morning, a sold-out crowd at Lake Street Theater watched “Chasing Ice,” the riveting documentary that captures visual evidence of climate change using time-lapse photography to show rapidly melting glaciers.


The Sunday afternoon screening of two food-related films, “Ingredients” and “Food Patriots,” co-hosted by the Sugar Beet Co-op at Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church, took on a family-style atmosphere.  Friends of Sugar Beet served up a variety of soups and breads before families, church members and others settled in to view the films.

Food Patriots” filmmaker Jeff Spitz facilitated a post-film discussion that “explored how community-based projects like a food co-op or community gardens can serve to educate and inspire people to make better food choices,” Cheryl Munoz, co-founder of Sugar Beet, said.

The Organizers


One Earth Film Festival, hosted by a sustainability organization called Green Community Connections, screened 40 films in more than 25 venues around Oak Park, River Forest, Forest Park and in Chicago’s Austin community. The festival uses the power of film to create opportunities for understanding climate change, sustainability and the power of human involvement.

Festival organizers this year paid particular attention to involving young people, offering separate programs on Saturday morning at Beye Elementary School in Oak Park for young children (3-6) and older children (7-11). In between, a program recognized the elementary and middle school Young Filmmakers Contest winners.

Organizers were hoping to double last year’s attendance of 500 but instead saw a final tally of 1,910.  A fourth of those attended pre-fest screenings leading up to the weekend.  The huge attendance increase over last year both surprised and thrilled the all-volunteer team of organizers who planned every aspect of the festival.

“It was really incredible to witness the impact this festival has on our community,” said Katie Morris, who helped coordinate the Young Filmmakers Contest and screenings at several venues. “It was amazing to see how many people came out to offer their talents, skills and knowledge as volunteers, facilitators, technicians and resource people. It was an incredible group effort, everyone working tirelessly to bring the community together over sustainability and change.”

Breaking Ground


Moving beyond its suburban boundaries, the festival this year held a screening in the Austin community on Chicago’s West Side. “Soul Food Junkies,” a documentary that exposes the health advantages and disadvantages of a uniquely American cuisine, drew an enthusiastic, wide-ranging crowd. Following the screening, Chef Marwin Brown whipped up some healthier versions of soul food for the audience to sample.

Many who attended said they the festival opened their eyes to issues they don’t see much in the news: water shortages, petrochemicals in the environment and the work of young environmental activists—all topics that the films addressed.


One goal of the festival was to engage audiences in thoughtful dialogue about environmental issues, ranging from the rise in genetically modified foods to climate change to water use and conservation. Short facilitated discussions followed each screening.

This year, too, organizers offered fest-goers a chance to join a Pledge Group to demonstrate a commitment to taking “concrete action” toward reducing their footprint over the next three to six months.  The festival team plans to follow up with electronic outreaches to those who signed pledge cards.

One Earth Film Festival closed out Sunday evening at Unity Temple in Oak Park with a showing of “Call of Life,” the first feature documentary to investigate the growing threat to Earth’s life-support systems from the unprecedented loss of biodiversity.

by Cassandra West, New Media Access

Photos courtesy of Eileen Molony (#1,2,3,5); Gloria Araya (#4)

Sledding Hill & Trees Threatened to Make Room for Artificial Turf

The Oak Park Park District Board is being asked to re-consider plans to remove the sledding hill and mature trees along the field at Ridgeland Commons in order to make room for installation of artificial turf on the field. Upon learning of the plan to remove the sledding hill, the Testore family of Oak Park started a petition through Change.org with the context that, "The sled hill provides free enjoyment and exercise for Oak Parkers ages 2-92, those who play organized sports and those who do not."  The Petition states simply:

"To:  The Oak Park Park Board

We, the undersigned, respectfully ask you to please reconsider your plans to remove the sled hill at Ridgeland. Thank you very much."

The petition now has over 500 signatures on it.

One of our Oak Park Treekkeepers, Kathryn Jonas, made a similar request but along with it sent a very detailed letter itemizing all of the reasons that she felt that the sledding hill should not be demolished, including the following:

* The sledding hill has provided generations of Oak Park children with an outdoor winter activity, and many continue to come back (including my 26 year old daughter who still sleds there with friends, and hopes to sled there some day with her children) * The opportunities for unstructured outdoor play should be increased according to all research, not decreased by eliminating the hill * Sledding is an affordable activity - all you need is a sled - or as many kids over the years have demonstrated, a flattened cardboard box from the alley * By its very name, Ridgeland Common should be considered a commons, a place for all to use and enjoy, not exclusive to those on a team sport.

Kathryn also makes the point that a few more trees at the top of the hill along the tracks would make a nice addition to the 2 existing, mature, very healthy hackberry trees that are now slated for demolition.  "There are already too many artificial things in kids' lives today," concludes Kathryn in separate comments.

The report on “The Future of Ridgeland Commons” included through a link in the VOPeNews on Friday, March 8th, states that, “In order to install the synthetic turf sports fields the sled hill will be removed at Ridgeland Commons . . .”  According to a New Jersey study, artificial turf also comes with “a host of established and potential health and environmental risks.” One of which is excessive heat. In a variety of studies, artificial turf consistently measured 31 degrees or more, hotter than natural grass.  Chicago had 46 days (almost 7 weeks) of 90 degree temperatures or above in 2012, which means that the artificial turf would be 121 degrees or hotter. Such temperatures can contribute to burns, dehydration and heat exhaustion. Sources for additional information regarding possible health and environmental risks related to artificial turf are included below.  See also, related article in OakPark.com.

Submitted by:  Sally Stovall




One Earth Film Festival 2013 Schedule


See  One Earth Film Festival 2013 Official Selections below, in an at-a-glance layout.  Download the 2013 film schedule as a pdf. For a list of films and links to descriptions and trailers, go here.

Tickets/reservations available now!   Most events are free; suggested donation is $5 per film or $15 for unlimited films. As seating is limited we request that you RSVP by selecting the films that you plan to attend.

2013_film_schedule_print2Pages from 2013_film_schedule_print

The views and opinions expressed in any film and/or discussion are those of the producers of the films and/or the persons making the statements during the film program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of One Earth Film Festival or Green Community Connections or any of their sponsors.

Oak Parker Uses EI2 to Improve Energy Efficiency of Rental Property


Submitted by Doug Burke Energy Impact Illinois (EI2) is a program set up with stimulus money to promote home weatherization and improve energy efficiency.  EI2 certifies contractors, coordinates energy assessments and provides rebates on certain home energy efficiency improvements.  In my case, my wife and I own a two-flat in Logan Square that we thought was pretty inefficient.  Our monthly bill from People's Gas under the budget plan has been $181.  We called one of the EI2 certfied contractors, Green Energy Improvements, and they did an energy assessment at a charge of $99.   They recommended improvements estimated at a cost of $6824 that would save about 25% of the gas cost.  (It also saves electricity for ac in the summer, but our tenants pay that so I don't have the numbers.)

Here's how it worked out.  Right now EI2 will provide a rebate that, combined with existing rebates – in our case, from People's Gas – will pay 70% of the job, up to a limit of 70% of $2500, or a $1750 rebate.  Our job was much bigger than most; 70% of $2500 is only about 25% of the whole $6824 job – but it was still a big help.  For a single-family house, the whole job might not exceed $2500, so that the homeowner would be paying only $750.

So at this point, with the $6824 total cost, we were looking at:

$6824 – 1750 – 99 (the assessment charge is credited to the job) = $4975. 

Not having $4975 on hand, we opted for a loan, facilitated through EI2 and provided by Green Choice Bank.  We needed to put down 10% and borrowed the other 90% in a seven-year loan.  The interest rate is not that low – 8% – but yet another subsidy pays the interest for year one of the seven-year loan. 

The work was done in one short session on August 23rd to construct a hatch so they could insulate between the second floor and the flat roof, and one long day on September 6th.  They did a blower door test before and after the job, and now estimate that we should save about 1/3 on our gas bill.  That would be $60 per month, or more than the payments during the first (subsidized) year of the loan.  After that, if gas prices remain the same, the payments would be just a little bigger than the projected savings.  Plus we will have happier tenants since they will save money also.

We expect to get a certificate issued through EI2 that our building is officially green.  To get that, you have to get at least a 15% reduction in energy use.  The Multiple Listing Service, which realtors use, now officially recognizes this certificate. How much should this add to the value of the building?  Here are two different estimates.

1.  Bonnie Marx at Green Energy Improvements said there was evidence that for every dollar of energy savings per year, the value of the building goes up $20. On this basis, for gas alone, the increase would be $60 x 12 x 20 = $14,400. Then add electricity to that and the total increase would probably be in the range of $20,000 or a little more.

2.  A California study claimed that green houses get a premium of 9%, which would probably be more than $30,000.  But then that's California – people probably pay more attention to green stuff there.

If you are interested in doing similar work, you can get the names of contractors from EI2.  The whole thing flows smoothly: the rebate and the loan flow directly to the contractor, with little paperwork on our part for the subsidies, and very little for the loan.  And again, if you get in while the 70% subsidy is available and your job isn't too big, you may not need any loan.  My wife and I are so pleased with the work on our rental propertywe are now preparing to participate in EI2 a second time, at our house in Oak Park.

For more information about Energy Impact Illinois, or to get started, call Pamela Brookstein at 708-252-0623 or email pamela@energyimpactillinois.org.

See also related article and video:  Energy Impact Illinois:  "This Rebate Program Rocks!"