Join the Movement to Reduce Single-Use Plastics

Join the Movement to Reduce Single-Use Plastics

We've seen the images of seagulls caught in plastic bags, microscopic plastic beads in plankton, and the Great Norther Pacific garbage patch. Plastic is so ubiquitous that cleaning up our enormous mess sometimes seems hopeless. But three opportunities are available for those with a heart to make a difference.

Do It Your Way with DIY Green Block Parties

Do It Your Way with DIY Green Block Parties

Summer is upon us and with it the annual block party season. Block parties are a special part of celebrating community and our wonderful outdoor spaces. It’s also a great way of recognizing and celebrating the many sustainability initiatives and resources in our community – whether it’s native or edible gardens, backyard or curbside composting (offered through the villages of Oak Park and River Forest), solar panels or learning about the awesome trees on your block. By shining a light on these important community assets, we encourage one another and help to build a more resilient future for our children.

Tweet or Post during Fashion Revolution Week

Tweet or Post during Fashion Revolution Week

The One Earth Film Festival's film, "The TrueCost," inspired us to look for ways to act, and we found Fashion Revolution Week (April 18-24), a week of activism designed to build awareness about the true costs of fashion, including social injustice and environmental degradation.

Will you join us? Two easy steps:
1. Take a picture of the tag of your favorite clothing.
2. Tweet or post it to the fashion brand or store's social media account with the hashtag:

Make a Measurable Difference by Being a 'Green Guide'

Make a Measurable Difference by Being a 'Green Guide'

PlanItGreen is launching a campaign to make a big reduction in the amount of material we send to the landfill. The PlanItGreen sustainability plan outlines a goal to divert 50 percent of Oak Park and River Forest “waste” away from landfills by 2015 and into compost and recycling, where it becomes a resource.

Repurposing Wood from an Old House into a New Table

Repurposing Wood from an Old House into a New Table

It was through Green Community Connections that I first learned of the ReBuilding Exchange. I don’t remember who told me about it, or when I first came across this organization. All I remember is falling in love with its mission, and feeling grateful that there are people so dedicated and committed to making the world a better place.

Mike Nowak Guides Waste, Recycling and Sustainability Tour

Mike Nowak Guides Waste, Recycling and Sustainability Tour

Radio personality Mike Nowak will guide a tour showing how Chicago deals with its waste from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 18.  See a working recycling and sorting facility; food compost and waste sites; huge former garbage landfills; illegal toxic waste dumps; and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District's waste water treatment plant on the south side. The tour will begin at the Chicago Cultural Center where attendees will meet inside the north end of the building at 9:30 a.m. for check in. Cost is $30. Please bring PayPal receipt and a brown bag lunch. Register and pay at or call 773-646-0436. The tour is sponsored by Southeast Environmental Task Force and Chicago Recycling Coalition.

Recycling Extravaganza this Saturday

Recycling Extravaganza this Saturday

Unload those items cluttering up your basement, garage, or attic. Drop off old electronics, scrap metal, batteries, prescription medications, apparel, and miscellaneous items at District 90's Green4Good Recycling Extravaganza from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 2, at River Forest United Methodist Church, 7970 Lake Street, in River Forest. Drive through the parking lot, entering from Lake Street for easy access.

Columbia Students Create Dance Inspired by One Earth Film Fest

Columbia Students Create Dance Inspired by One Earth Film Fest

Do you two-step with your trash? Rhumba with your recycling? Conga with your compost?  We guess you don't. But students at Columbia College Chicago created their own original trash-inspired moves for a One Earth Film Festival screening of Trash Dance on Sunday, March 9. The result was anything but disposable. Their dancing reflected the grace, dedication and pride of the workers who haul our garbage every day.

LAST DAY to take the Oak Park & River Forest Sustainability Survey!

GCC LogoTake this 10 question survey and enter a drawing to win a $100 prepaid debit card! Green Community Connections is conducting a sustainability survey which is open to all community members in the Oak Park and River Forest Area.  It is not required that survey participants have made changes in their homes or businesses related to sustainability, nor is it necessary for them to have had any experience with Green Community Connections.  Results from this survey will help us shape our work going forward.

If you haven't already  taken the survey, please take the Oak Park & River Forest Sustainability Survey  now.  We estimate the survey will take 5 minutes to complete.  The last date to submit a survey is November 15th at 5:00pm.  Once you have submitted the survey, -- complete the entry form -- to be entered in the drawing for the $100 prepaid debit card drawing.  IMPORTANT:  You will need the Survey Validation Code in order to complete the entry form.  You will find that code in Question #10 at the end of the survey. 

Please take a moment and share this survey with 3 friends and neighbors, especially those who may not be aware of Green Community Connections.

If you have any questions, please contact Sally Stovall at If you would like to learn more about Green Community Connections, visit