Hosted by the It’s Our Future youth environmental leadership program + the One Earth Youth Advisory Council
FILM DESCRIPTION: When a group of DC teens pack into a bus and head into the mountains of West Virginia for eight days, they embark on a journey to break the cycles of violence and rewrite their future. For the first time in their lives, the youth play in mountain streams, sing under the stars, and confront the entrenched abuse, violence and neglect cycles of their past. As the healing power of nature works its magic, each teen becomes filled with new plans and ideas. But when the group returns home, the specters of poverty, violence and homelessness confront them. This award-winning film is a darling of the film festival circuit. Its hopeful vibe chronicles the youths’ struggle, but also their strength.
Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.
May contain heavy themes, graphic images, and strong language.
Stay for thought-provoking post film discussion. Discover how nature heals and the importance of all races connecting with and having access to the great outdoors. Learn about opportunities to take action now.
It’s Our Future and One Earth Film Festival Youth Advisory Council members Jess Senger and Manolo Avolos will host and facilitate this Q&A with Fly By Light filmmaker, Hawah Kasat, and environmental young leaders, Jose Carrillo and Austin (Modisette) Williamson. Hear about their activism in this world and how we can all lift up voices to protect our health and the planet. Jose will even share a rap during this inspiring event. It’s time to open our eyes!