Join Illinois Green for four unique web events highlighting green homes across the region. The GreenBuilt Home Series will be held on July 8th, July 15th, July 22nd, and July 29th. These webinars will focus on topics like passive house design, deep energy retrofits, all-electric homes and homeowner-driven sustainability projects.
During this event, you will get a chance to meet the builders, designers, and homeowners behind the featured green homes, experience the latest sustainable home technologies in action, and learn energy efficient strategies to implement in your own home. Check out the quick links below for more information.
Tickets for the 2020 GreenBuilt Home Series are now available! $5 Ticket per webinar $15 Ticket to see all four webinars Webinars include:
July 8th: All-Electric Homes Purchase Tickets Now!
July 15th: Deep Energy Retrofits Purchase Tickets Now!
July 22nd: Passive House Showcase Purchase Tickets Now!
July 29th: Wellness + High Performance Purchase Tickets Now