Austin Grown students walk along the Burnham Wildlife Corridor in November.
By Laurie Casey
It’s time to look back and celebrate all the things we’ve accomplished together this year. Here’s 2021 by the numbers.
4,046 attendees at 26 film watch parties
At each of the virtual events during the main Fest Season in March and during Earth Week in April, we learned about the climate crisis, were presented with more than 250 action ideas, and pledged to take action.
2 new member events
We made good on our intention to expand member benefits in 2021. In July, we discussed the film "The Ants and the Grasshopper." In October, Dr. Geeta Maker-Clark did a cooking demo and talked to us about how "Food is Medicine.”
149 Young Filmmakers Contest submissions, 24 awards
Youth submitted films from across the country, with most entries received from the following states: California (39), Illinois (24), New York/NewJersey (15), Virginia (8), Texas (6) and Pennsylvania (6).
22 leaders in film and sustainability served on the Young Filmmakers Contest jury
Some reviewed 3 films and others reviewed as many as 40 student films, writing a paragraph of feedback for each to help all entrants improve their skills.
$9,700 in prizes and scholarships awarded to 10 youth
Young people from elementary school to post-grad levels won film prizes, along with special recognition for creativity and animation. Each winner donated a matching gift to an environmental non-profit.
That’s the percent of our members who live outside of Illinois. We’re growing nationally and internationally and hope to do so again in 2022. including to bring our new members from across the nation into the fold.
16 student panelists and emcees
Our Youth Voices programs focus on inspiring the next generation of climate leaders. At least 16 youth served on panels or emceed events to share their expertise and energy at various One Earth events.
39 teens
Students from the West Side participated in our annual Austin Grown program focused on urban agriculture, culinary skills and leadership development.
2 seasons
Big win! The Austin Grown program expanded into fall, punctuated by a field trip to Burnham Wildlife Corridor co-led by the Chicago Park District and the Field Museum Keller Science Action Center.
43 students participated in 12 Young Filmmakers Online Academy Workshops
After Patrick Thomas Keen developed the Young Filmmakers Online Academy, we held 12 synchronous workshops on Zoom, teaching students pre-production, production, and post-production.
November 13
The last day of COP26, the UN Climate Change Summit in Glasgow. Ten students promoted, planned and helped produce a one-hour, live webinar from Glasgow. The students interviewed other COP26 delegates, shared their learnings and observations, and gave us advice on how to move forward. In addition, David Holmquist wrote a two-part article on COP26 in our Earth Words Blog. Read more about it here and here.
440 bikes
At least 440 bicyclists celebrated the cultures of the African and Latinx diaspora in the U.S. through two profound historical journeys. On October 2, we supported the efforts of several environmental justice groups including De Colores + Cultura, Equiticity, Black Brown + Breathing, Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center and Organic Oneness. And then on November 5, we participated in the second annual Bike Collective Ride with 23 community organizations kicking up their kickstands from Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood.
1 tornado watch
We work under all conditions, even high winds and under threat of tornado! As part of the Austin Eats initiative, we screened "Soul Food Junkies" (during a tornado watch) and "Can You Dig This?" to help West Side Chicagoans connect around building a healthy local food system.
5 Sundays
We strolled along with the "Nature of Magic: Chicago Parks Walking Series" for 5 Sundays in October, together with Equiticity, Chicago Park District, EventNoir, Organic Oneness and REI. On each date we visited a major Chicago park on the West and South Sides, exploring the nature and history of each.
The outpouring of support from attendees across the nation, awesome local partners, new and returning members, engaged sponsors, and many, many others who helped us get through some really unique times during the COVID19 pandemic year.
What’s next for 2022?
We need your support, attention, gifts and energies to help us do this all over again in the coming new year! Add: Donate to our end-of-year fundraising campaign.