Submitted by Pam Todd Our next Wild Ones meeting, Sunday, August 25 at 2:30 PM, at the Good Earth Greenhouse and Café (7900 W Madison, River Forest), will be the kick off for our Wildlife Corridor. We'll be featuring Ginger Vanderveer with a presentation on Monarch Watch and the beautiful, easy-to-grow plants you can add to your garden to provide habitat for this species - Illinois' state insect - which has suffered severe population decline.
To help you get started - or expand your collection - we'll have local ecotype milkweed plugs available at a reduced price. This is an ideal time to add plants to your garden and give them a leg up before next spring. Cost will be about $2-$3 per plug, depending on variety.
It's (Almost) Official
Thanks to you, West Cook now has 18 Wild Ones Members. We're in the process of becoming chartered, choosing a permanent meeting place and time, and arranging some great events and speakers for the year ahead. Stay tuned for more information - and if you haven't already joined, visit today.
Your Talents Are Needed There are so many things we can accomplish together, but we need your help! Please reply to this email and let us know if you'd be interested in becoming a West Cook WIld Ones board member or occasionally volunteering to help with programs, events, membership, etc.
Coming Soon: A Native Garden Tour Our September meeting will be the native garden event we're putting together for GCC's Green Living and Learning Tour on Saturday, September 28. Keep up to date on news of this event on the tour page.