Submitted by Gary Cuneen
On Wednesday, October 12, at Unity Temple in Oak Park, local and regional attendees will envision a future for their communities that includes healthy eating, bike and pedestrian-friendly communities, transit-oriented development, green infrastructure, water conservation, energy efficiency, green businesses, farm to school, residential food scrap composting, and much more.
Hosted by Pioneering Healthy Communities Oak Park, Cook County Department of Public Health's "Communities Putting Prevention to Work" and the Village of Oak Park. This year's event will feature a keynote address by nationally known Host of "America's Walking"on PBS, Mark Fenton. Mark is a dynamic speaker that energizes, entertains and educates his audiences. Don't miss this local opportunity to hear him speak!
Hear from Dr. Damon Arnold, M.D., M.P.H., Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, on the latest statewide initiatives to combat obesity, and discover how Mia Birk, CEO of Alta Planning and Author of Joyride, worked to change culture and transform Portland into a cycling mecca.
This one-day experience will also feature:- 15+ sessions on such topics as:
- Healthy Eating in the Community
- Healthy Eating at Home
- Planning for a Physically Active Community
- Sustainable Communities Planning and Metrics
- Green Infrastructure and The Great Outdoors
The full agenda, including pre- and main conference sessions, is now available.
Register now and take advantage of special event pricing for Oak Park and River Forest Residents.