Shared by Seamus Ford
I invite you to spread the word about a unique Barter event that Root-Riot is going to be hosting at Harambee Garden. “Harambee Barter Day” will bring people together to discover the unique resources possessed by the community around them.
The Event will be held on Sunday July 31st from 4-7PM, Location: Root-Riot Harambee, (Race and Waller 500 N Waller in Chicago). We are inviting anyone from the community to come out that day and join us. The only thing people need to bring is pot luck dish and an idea of what kind of product or service they can trade with another person. Here are just a few of the kinds of things that people might barter.
Child Care-Music lessons-gardening-house cleaning-drawing a picture-self defense-peas-VCR programing-canning-preserving-drywall-raising goats-raising chickens-eggs-fermenting-squash-compost-handyman--job search coaching-fung shui-Senior Care-airport pickup-bike repair- security consulting-baking cookies-plant identification-furniture moving-organizing-computer repair-dog walking-snow removal-story telling-reading a book to children-resume writing-kayaking lessons-tomato recipes-grocery shopping-building a website-exercise buddy-meal cooking-carpet installation-flying a kite-
When it comes to the people around us, there is no shortage of talent, knowledge and connections. This event is designed to celebrate and expand that. Barter Day Info and Link to Flyer and Trading Form