Interfaith Green Network Hosts Forum on PlanItGreen Priorities for 2014

Recycle with leaves PlanItGreen is the ten-year sustainability plan for the Villages of Oak Park and River Forest.  The plan engages all levels of the community in reducing their environmental footprint and advances common sustainability objectives. The Plan has goals, targets, and strategies in each of nine sustainability topic areas including energy, waste, transportation, water, food, education, community development, open space and ecosystems, and green economy.

On Thursday, January 23, 7:00pm, at the Oak Park Main Library Veterans Room, the Interfaith Green Network will host a presentation by Gary Cuneen of  Seven Generations Ahead.  Gary will present a report card of PlanItGreen's activity highlights, challenges and strategy snapshots. The report card illuminates trends, highlights successes and shortcomings and proposes future priorities, strategies and resource allocations needed to achieve the 10-year plan’s goals by 2020.

Congregational representatives will also explore ways that they can be involved in moving the plan forward in 2014.  All congregations are invited to participate.   RSVP for the upcoming forum on January 23rd: Richard Alton (

The Interfaith Green Network is a network of congregations who through sharing sustainability practices, projects and dialogue works to build a vibrant vision and role of congregations in caring for Planet Earth.  Twenty-two area congregations have participated in the Network.  For the last 3 years the Network has worked to help congregations support PlanItGreen.

See related article at