Over 75 turned out Thursday (July 28, 4 PM) for the groundbreaking at Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church to launch it's installation of geothermal heating and cooling system for it's facility located at Euclid & Washington Avenues in Oak Park. The eco-friendly geothermal system will replace its aging boiler heating system and expand cooling to the entire building. The loop field for the geothermal system will be installed under the church's parking lot. The current asphalt surface of the parking lot will then be replaced with permeable pavers.
Over the last year research and planning for this project proceeded with the help and support of Faith in Place, Interfaith Power & Light’s Cool Calculator Program, the congregation’s Green Action Task Force. In opening remarks at the groundbreaking, Pastor Marti Scott said God smiles on those working to save the planet and surely God is smiling on this place today. David Pope indicated that this church serves as an example for all the community.
The Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church congregation, currently numbering approximately 275 with many more friends in the community, will be 114 years old this November. The current sanctuary dates to 1922; the present education wing to 1967.
Follow the progress of the geothermal and permeable brick projects on the Euclid Geothermal Blogspot
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