Fokke Baarssen/Shutterstock
By Krista Mikos
Join us as we explore meditation-in-nature with SacredWandering. Simplicity and reverence will be our guides. Join Terry Kinsey and me as we explore a new way of experiencing nature - the Sacred Wandering Way. If you yearn to be rooted down with earth's healing power, join us. Throughout the millennia, people have gone to the forests and mountains to connect with themselves and the sacred in themselves. Ascetics, monks, indigenous people, Thoreau, Buddha and even Christ went out into the wilderness to practice a form of SacredWandering. We will move slowly through the out-of-doors with an intention to connect with nature's healing power. There will be silence and discussion. The group will meet no matter what the weather so come prepared and bring something to sit upon.
Krista teaches Environmental Justice and Advocacy at DePaul University and is a 25 year practitioner of Qi Gong. Terry has led numerous outdoor retreats and has been a practicing Unitarian Universalist-Buddhist for 2 decades as well.
We will meet at Thatcher Woods Pavilion, 8030 Chicago Ave., in River Forest, on the 3rd Saturday of the month rain or shine from 8:30 to 10 a.m., starting with Saturday, April 21. We are starting a modern-day movement.