Faith In Place, in consultation with ComEd, is developing an instructional kit on how to use the new smart meters smartly. Congregation green teams will be able to borrow the kit to use at Sunday coffee hours they host during the coming months to educate their congregation's members. The kit will include images, literature, and some visual aids on energy conservation. (And Faith In Place will throw in $100 for the coffee!)
Representatives from the green teams of each congregation are invited to a training event on May 18, 10am-12pm, First United Church, 848 Lake Street in Oak Park. At the training you will see the kits, get trained on how to do a coffee hour presentation, and sign up for your preferred date.
Now, as smart meters are being installed in our area, is a perfect time to educate people about how to use all the data that is available to them, for their benefit. And meeting at a Sunday coffee hour will be a good way to get a fairly large audience and distribute information so that it will actually be acted on.
Please RSVP to James Babcock (