by Amy Beltemacchi and Seamus Ford, CoFounders Root-Riot Urban Garden Network
The warm weather has the Root-Riot team gearing up for planting at both Root-Riot Harambee and Root-Riot Madison Street. All team meetings are March 29 and April 19th from 7:00 to 9:00 at O.P. Village Hall. While we are expecting most members to return to their plots, we do have a waiting list available for each garden. If you are interested in a garden plot at one of these gardens write for the Oak Park Garden, and for the Austin community garden.
Most apparently, the garden is about growing flowers and veggies. Yet our other most genuine expression is directed at creating spaces, places for communities to form conversations and ideas around the complexity and redundancies that are needed to make our communities more resilient. This year our Root-Riot Garden Network has expanded to the residential side, where we are working with a residence on the 400 block of Clinton Ave to replace a substantial portion of the sod with edible landscaping and friendly native flowers. Additionally we are working with on another "loaned" lot in the Garfield park area for a spring launch of a Root-Riot Garden. We hope to partner with a long-standing community institution that works with children and young adults in the area. Our "Riot-Workday" is at the end of May. We will be posting info about the day on our web site and welcome volunteers for the day...
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