We are familiar with the warnings about the impact of climate change and we have observed the extreme weather events in recent years. We are also doing things in our own lives to lower our carbon footprint, but we know, as important as all of that is, it will also take legislative action to bring about needed changes. What is lacking is the political will to address the problem. The big question is, what useful steps can citizens take to build that political will?
The purposes of Citizens Climate Lobby ("CCL") are to create the political will for a livable world and to empower us as citizens to exercise our personal and political power. CCL is committed to a respectful, non-partisan approach. The New York Times reports: “The CCL is a relatively unknown organization that punches above its weight.”
Dick Alton and Sally Stovall are hosting an open house for people to learn more about the Citizens Climate Lobby on Monday, October 28th, 7:30 to 9 pm at 166 N. Humphrey Av., # 1N, Oak Park. Come to enjoy light food and drinks, chat with your neighbor and hear about CCL. RVSP to richard.alton@gmail.com or 773.344.7172
To learn more about the activities of the Citizens Climate Lobby nationally and internationally, please visit their web site. Also see related article about the launching of the local chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby.