Sally Stovall was inspired to give up driving for 90 days after watching One Earth Film Fest films. She holds the calendar she used for her countdown.
By Rebecca Woodley
Films inform, inspire and change the way we look at the world, our planet — the Earth that’s our collective home. Through films dedicated to environmental themes, One Earth Film Festival, for the last four years, has inspired viewers to take action for the environment. Two people who gained inspiration from festival films are Sally Stovall, co-founder of Green Community Connections, and Pam Todd, co-founder of West Cook Wild Ones.
Sally recently decided to take on a personal “biking challenge,” going car-free for 90 days. Sally specifically remembers two One Earth Festival films that were inspirations for her challenge, “The Clean Bin Project” and “Just Eat It.” Through these films, Sally became “fascinated with the idea of experimenting with my life to make a change that would matter.” Her challenge was not as difficult as she first imagined it would be, and once in the habit, she really enjoyed it. “Now I’m thinking about my next challenge. I will definitely do another biking challenge, maybe 180 days in 2016, but what else?”
Pam was so inspired through film that she co-founded the West Cook Wild Ones chapter. Attending the festival helped spark her passion for native plants and landscapes and influenced her to make changes in her life. Watch this clip to hear Pam talk about examples of these films and what they mean to her.
Be sure to visit and “like” our Facebook Page for “Trailer Week!” to hear more stories like Pam’s and view trailers for films being considered for OEFF2016!