• work with park stewards to monitor and maintain biodiversity
• help monitor our trees for insect or disease damage
• remove invasive species from our naturalized areas
• help ensure green operations on all of our park lands
• improve the overall quality of our parks
PDOP Green Team Volunteers will work under the guidance of a park steward who reports directly to the Park District’s Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. Interested Steward candidates should have a working knowledge of or interest in horticultural practices which might include gardening, prairie restoration and perennial plant and tree care.
The Green Team is currently focusing on the natural area in Field Park.
Call 708-725-2450 or stop by and fill out an application at the Oak Park Conservatory at 615 Garfield Street or the Park District Administrative Center at 218 Madison Street.
For more information on volunteer opportunities with the Park District of Oak Park go to http://www.oakparkparks.com/Jobs/volunteer.htm.
Submitted by Diane Stankeat 615 Gareld Street or the Park District Administrative Center at 218 Madison Street.