Stop-Motion Animation Workshop at Namaste Charter School in Chicago.
By Lisa Files
This year, the One Earth Film Festival expanded its Young Filmmakers Workshops, reaching out to new communities and groups, collaborating with a variety of teachers and organizations. Students learned about live-action as well as animation from filmmaking professionals and technical experts.
One parent emailed us after our December 10 workshop saying, “My son really enjoyed the Young Filmmakers Workshop today. He’s been making movies on his iPad since he returned. He’s interested in taking another class. Will you be offering another one soon?”
Stop-Motion Animation Workshop for Grade 6 (outreach)
Date: Oct. 20
Location: Namaste Charter School in Chicago
Teacher: Jonathan Moeller
Number of participants: 16
Collaborator:Steve & Kate’s Camp provided iPads and software
Stop-Motion Animation Workshop at CodePlayLearn in Oak Park.
Stop-Motion Animation Workshop for Grades 3 to 8
Date: Nov. 11
Location: CodePlayLearn in Oak Park
Teachers: Gretchen Junker and Lisa Jesik
Number of participants: 12
Collaborator:CodePlayLearn provided laptops, software and venue
Live Action Workshop for Grades 6 to 8 at River Forest Depot.
Live Action Filmmaking Workshop for Grades 6 to 8
Date: Dec. 3
Location: River Forest Depot
Teachers: David and Lauren Wall
Number of participants: 17
Collaborator:Park District of River Forest provided venue
Live Action Workshop for Grades 3 to 5 at River Forest Depot.
Live Action Filmmaking Workshop for Grades 3 to 5
Date: Dec. 10
Location: River Forest Depot
Teachers: David and Lauren Wall
Number of participants: 17
Collaborators:Park District of River Forest provided venue
Live Action Filmmaking Workshop for 100% College and Career Ready Students (outreach)
Date: Jan. 10
Location: Oak Park Public Library
Teachers: Jonathan Moeller
Number of participants: TBD
Collaborators:100% College and Career Ready Program and Oak Park Public Library