Animation stations were provided by Steve and Kate's Camp.
By Lisa Biehle Files
Kids in grades 3 to 8 went to the moon, the beach, and a New Year’s Eve party via green screen animation during this year’s One Earth Young Filmmakers Workshops. Held in early December, three workshops taught kids filmmaking skills just for fun and to encourage them enter the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest.
The first Animation Workshop was held in collaboration with Steve and Kate’s Camp at St. Vincent Ferrer Church on Saturday, Dec. 3. The camp owns several stop-motion workstations with iPads, Legos, and a variety of backgrounds that nearly hypnotized the kids for four hours.
Teacher-animators Lauren Travers and David Wall showed examples of techniques the students might try, such as tipping the work stations on their backs so that characters could appear to swim, float, or fly.
David and Lauren screened the official Claymation music video they recently created, “Fanger,” to inspire the kids.
At the Live Action workshops on Sundays, Dec. 4 and 11, students learned about story and lighting, filming secrets, editing and production.
Jeff Lassahn, an artist and youth media teacher for Chicago Public Library, encouraged the kids to think creatively about storytelling. He showed various lighting techniques, and introduced green screen for background so that students could let their imaginations soar.
The River Forest Park District collaborated with the One Earth Film Festival on the Live Action Workshops by donating the venue, the Depot in River Forest, and organizing registration online.
Next year, the Festival hopes to expand the One Earth Young Filmmakers Workshops to more venues across Chicagoland.
Young Filmmakers Contest Reminder: The Young Filmmakers Contest deadline is Sunday, Jan. 15. All student submissions are welcome from kids in grades 3 through college. Attendance at a workshop is not required. Learn more about contest requirements here.
Lauren Travers (left) and Jeff Lassahn (back) showed green screen animation and lighting to students at the Live Action Filmmaking workshops.