For Earth Day Mini Film Fest (April 19 to 23) from One Earth Film Fest and the City of Chicago:
Fernanda Heinz Figueiredo, Ataliba Benaim/2022/107 min/Built Environment, Conservation, Climate Change
U.S. PREMIERE. FILM DESCRIPTION: How would you reinvent some part of your world using nature as a model? In “Biocentrics”, this and other provocations are answered by the eyes and voice of biologist Janine Benyus. Traveling to different corners of the planet, the film reveals the birth and principles that guide biomimicry, a transdisciplinary methodology of technological innovation inspired by a master with 3.8 billion years of experience. As a hub connecting knowledge, cultures, natural technologies and initiatives that choose the continuity of life as the premise of their projects, the charismatic activist proposes a common agenda, a new posture and a tool that is at the tip of the spear of contemporary science to face the global challenges that lie ahead.
Post-film discussion with Facilitator:
Fernanda Heinz Figueiredo, Director, Biocentrics
Rachel Hahs, Project Management & Research, Biomimcry 3.8
Dr. Udit Halder, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.
Register for screening at Chicago Cultural Center:
IN PERSON: Saturday, April 22, 2 p.m. CDT [Central]
Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. Washington St.,
Claudia Cassidy Theater, Chicago
Arrive early, at 12:30 p.m., for an Action Fair in the 2nd Floor Rotunda.
Enjoy free refreshments and fellowship with environmental advocates. Register here.
ADA compliant accessible venue.
Register for screening at Wayfarer Theaters: link not available yet
IN PERSON: Saturday, April 22, 2 p.m. CDT [Lake County]
Wayfarer Theaters, 1850 2nd St., Highland Park
A Collaboration with Wayfarer Theaters and Organic Oneness.
Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines,
check in/register, purchase concessions, and get best seats.
ADA compliant accessible venue.
Register for virtual screening:
VIRTUAL: Saturday, April 22, 2 p.m. Central Daylight Time
Register for Action Fair beforehand:
Start your Earth Day celebration early, at the Earth Day Action Fair beginning at 12:30 p.m. at the same location as the first screening above, the Chicago Cultural Center. Join One Earth Film Festival, the City of Chicago's Office of Climate & Environmental Equity, and partners working on environmental and climate justice initiatives. Visit with groups to learn about and plug into their work, opportunities, and events. Enjoy refreshments and fellowship with other environmental advocates.